How to Stay Healthy if You Work at Home

Today, many people telecommute to work. It’s getting easier to work from home as the years go on and technology advances. This is great for many reasons; it saves money on gas, it increases the hours you have to be productive, and, if you have young children, you can work and still keep an eye on them. The one thing working at home isn’t good for is your health. After all, you’re right next to a fridge full of foods that you can snack on, and you’re going to be walking very little during the workday. Don’t panic and go purchasing memorial headstones just yet, though. Here are a few ways to stay healthy while you work at home.

Working at Home (Creative Commons)
Working at Home (Creative Commons)

Exercise While You Work

You don’t have to sit sedentary at a desk all day. There are many tools out there to help keep you active as you create spreadsheets or write reports. One of these tools is the treadmill desks, which allow you to walk as you type. You don’t have to run a marathon on this treadmill; it simply keeps your blood flowing and your legs moving. If that doesn’t sound right for you, you can always just go the old-fashioned way and simply walk around your office for a few minutes at a time. This will have the added benefit of waking you up if you’re nodding off while typing. Exercising while you work is a great way to stay alert and focused.

Home Office (creative commons)
Home Office (creative commons)

Only Eat at Certain Times

This is definitely easier said than done, but only eating in allotted times is a great way to stay healthy. Also, try and eat healthy foods during those designated eating times. If you’re not moving around much, the calories you take in won’t be burned off easily. You’ll also feel better if you stop eating junk food and switch to fruits and vegetables. You’ll feel less sluggish and you’ll be ready to focus in those times in the afternoon when you usually start mentally clocking out.

Go on Walks

Some people need to move to focus their thoughts. If you’re one of those people, leaving your office and going on a short, ten or fifteen minute walk will be amazingly beneficial. If you’re frustrated or stuck on a problem, a walk might give you the solution. It will also contribute to your new healthy lifestyle.

Telecommuting is a very viable option nowadays, and there’s nothing wrong with practising it. Just don’t sacrifice your health for the convenience of working at home. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to living an active, healthy lifestyle.